C'est le Weekend: Links You'll Like
C'est novembre! We're officially into the month of giving thanks, although my son already managed to break a glass Christmas ornament at the grocery store on Halloween. I'll partially blame the store since apparently they are skipping Thanksgiving altogether. Here are my interesting links for the weekend:
Appetizer Link (lighter fare):
- How to make a compost bin from a trashcan. Admittedly this isn't an appetizing topic, but I'll be following those directions this weekend because we're switching to once-per-month trash service and I need a compost bin. We'll save the earth and save money, and who doesn't want to do that?
Main Course Link (heavier food for thought):
Dear Single Mom letter from GracefullMama.com
- Ideas for Setting Family Media Guidelines. It's a media-mad world now, with a recent study finding American children ages 8-10 spend an average of eight hours a day on screens. Yet more than two-thirds of children in that study said their parents have no specific rules regarding media. It's time we start being intentional about this.
- Dear Single Mom. I'm sure we all know mamas who could use this encouragement. I appreciate Joy's willingness to admit that we tend to place single moms into a limited stereotype.
- The Lazy Girl's Guide to Home Education. I don't think lazy is the right word here, but Kari Patterson writes well about how to homeschool the truly simple way. It sounds fantastically effective!
Rosemary cherry tomatoes from French Foodie Baby blog
Dessert Link (sweetness):
- The education of taste: French Foodie Baby. A Frenchwoman living in Los Angeles uses this blog to share about introducing food to her little one. Mamas of little ones will enjoy her recipes and reflections.
Bon appétit et bon weekend!