Worthy Goals for the New Year
Equilibrium: We long for it. We crave it. We know we need it in our lives. But New Year's resolutions make us nervous. We question if it's worth the effort to attempt changes that we've failed at in the past.
In the past, our resolutions have focused on areas of neglect or low self-control. We frequently target our health. We will exercise more, eat better, have a more balanced life. We will also go to bed earlier, waste less time, and save more money.
Why haven't we already attained our goals? Primarily, we are flawed people living in a world that's not under our control. We also have multiple roles that challenge our focus and fill our schedules: we are spouses, employees, parents, home managers, and self-caretakers. As we target areas for improvement, the others suffer.
What do these truths imply? Are we doomed to annual recycling of the same wishes disguised as possibilities? Perfect isn't possible. But goal-settling is far from futile. When we set our hearts on worthy, attainable pursuits and keep them foremost in our sight, we're fulfilling our calling and making the most of our lives. Joy, contentment, and peace all spring from a life in balance regardless of the mayhem around us.
Sunrise by Antonio Cinotti
Will you join me in continuing to step towards a more balanced, rewarding life?
Identify what's out of balance. (Your loved ones already know. They'd love to see you happier.)
Identify where your focus has been. Why? How long will this season last? Is it worth letting other things go? Could you gain something better by choosing a more balanced approach?
Remember your passions, reflect on your purpose, and reconnect with the One who made you. Balance comes from being centered, finding our sweet spot, and fulfilling our purpose.
Blessings on this year, my friends. It's full of promise.