C'est le Weekend: Links for April 1st

Tulips blooming in my garden this week

Tulips blooming in my garden this week

Bonjour! Oh my, it's been too long since I've posted here, and I'm sorry. Even when I'm not writing, I'm constantly thinking about what I can share with you next--resources that would be helpful, thoughts to help us sort out family life together in this messy world . . . so merci for staying with me through the quieter periods. Today's post simply has some fun and informative weekend links, but I'll be back next week with more about homeschooling in French (along with some of the English resources my family uses too). I'll also be posting some of my children's favorite French iPad apps. In the meantime, read on:

An asian pear bud ready to bloom in my garden this week

An asian pear bud ready to bloom in my garden this week

Bon weekend et a très bientôt,
