C'est le Weekend: Links You'll Like
Yesterday my children had a French playdate at our home, and afterwards my mother-in-law dropped off some homemade Thai food. Later, my husband arrived home early and made dinner for some students who stopped by while I was planting raspberry canes in the backyard. Quelle bonne journée! I hope you have some equally lovely moments this weekend as you make the jump into June. Enjoy the weekend links I compiled for you:
From my Instagram account
Appetizer Links (Lighthearted):
- In case you haven't seen these yet: Hilarious Texts from Moms. I had to snicker!
- The Thrift Store Can Be Your (Nearly Free) Storage Unit via The Art of Simple. I love how Tsh puts this so simply, and I'll keep it in mind as I cull the house for items to sell at my parents' neighborhood garage sale next weekend.
Main Course Links (Heavier food for thought):
- These two Frenchmen (cousins!) are rowing from California to Hawaii in the Great Pacific Race beginning June 7th. They rode bikes from Paris to St. Petersburg in 2010.
- The Best Playground is a Mud Hole. This Psychology Today article reminded me of the premise behind the adventure playgrounds I wrote about last week.
Dessert Links (Sweetness):
- This mom's bucket list for her children (again, at The Art of Simple) wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it inspires me to sit down with my husband and write a family bucket list for the next few years. What would your family bucket list include?
- I hope to start reading Huck's Raft: A History of American Childhood this weekend--it was recommended by Jennifer Senior in her book All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood. And I just put this on hold at the library for my daughter: Minnie and Moo Go to Paris. Books featuring hippos as main characters (like George and Martha) are generally fabulous children's books--wouldn't you agree? (These are Amazon Affiliate links.)
Bon weekend!