C'est le Weekend: Links You'll Like
Bonjour les amis! We are solidly into summer and my family is spending this week on the coast of Oregon. I love the Pacific panorama here and the unexpected gifts of the sea. (We spotted a seal pup on the sand today!) Have you had a summer family getaway yet? I hope this weekend gives you an opportunity to put your feet up and soak up the season's gifts. Here the some weekend links that I collected to inspire, enlighten, and entertain you:
My children enjoying low tide at Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, Oregon (from my Instagram account)
Do something with those phone photos: Six apps that turn those pictures into memories. I'd heard about Groovebook (only $3 for a book of 100 printed photos that you select each month?!), but Mosaic sounds like they offer the higher printing quality I'd prefer.
A similiar article about five French photo printing apps--en français.
On a more important note, thank you so much for supporting my friend Julie's effort to reach laboring women in remote villages of Zambia. Thanks to some of you, she is $80 closer to the $2,000 that she needs to purchase a vehicle. (I wrote about her incredible work here and you can find more info about supporting her here.)
Parisian street food and the secluded Paris parks you should picnic in from The Hip Paris blog. The best dim sum in Paris? Yes, please!
A mama who worked hard to help her son overcome tooth decay--to no avail. Stephanie's story at Keeper of the Home tugged on my heartstrings.
Forgive this less organized link format--I'm on vacation, after all, and this is less time-intensive than my usual 3-course-menu format. Feel free to let me know in a comment if you like this format better anyhow.
Bon weekend!