A Little Croissant In the Oven - Pregnancy Update

On the Fourth of July I shared that my husband and I are expecting our third child in January. That little one is now six months along in utero, and my two-year-old son likes to ask me with a hopeful grin, "Baby come out now?" I'm sure "after Christmas" must seem so far away to him!

This pregnancy has gone fairly well. I was fairly queasy the second month, but having my husband home for the summer was so restful for me! At the nineteen-week ultrasound, we chose not to find out baby's gender because we love the joy and surprise of finding out at birth. It's not that we don't want to know; we simply think that it's even more fun to discover whom God's given us when we first meet him or her. For us, a little patience makes the birth more exciting!

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A New Heartbeat in Our Home (cue the fireworks!)

Bonjour, les amis! If you are American, happy Fourth of July! This has always been one of my favorite holidays. I am glad to be American, but what I enjoy most about this holiday is the chance to enjoy time outdoors with friends and family. When I was a child, my parents always organized a parade and games for the neighborhood, and the day always ended with a fireworks show put on by neighbors or the city. My parents still plan neighborhood events every Fourth of July, so my husband and I will take our children there to participate today before heading to a friend's home with an amazing view of a fireworks show in the Columbia Gorge.

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