Three Podcasts Worth Listening to This Summer: Family, Travel, & Culture
July is here! Does your family's summer rhythm (or lack thereof) feel comfortable yet? Summer in my household means that dishes and laundry pile up, but in contrast, we have a lot of fun as a family and I'm able to finish long-awaited projects like completing my son's baby album and planning next summer's trips. Hopefully you, too, have more time on your hands--time to read, play, and listen. Here are five intriguing podcasts that I've been enjoying while driving or tackling those dishes this summer:
1. The Budget-Minded Traveler by Jackie Laulainen:
Jackie is relatively new to podcasting, but she knows how to make international travel an affordable and practical reality, even for families.
My favorite episode: 8 Secrets to Finding the Best Deals on Flights (#11). I've read lots on this topic, but Jackie's information was so enlightening, especially regarding international airfare. I look forward to buying airline tickets with confidence now, whereas before I heard this episode I always second-guessed dates and prices until my best options were gone.
2. Bilingual Kids Rock by Olena Centeno:
Olena inspires parents to raise bilingual children by interviewing bloggers and parents who have insightful knowledge and experience in this area. The more BKR podcasts I hear, the more impressed I am with Olena's sweet spirit and interviewing skills.
Olena Centeno and her family (minus two children)
My favorite episode: Interview with Becky Morales, 4 Cultures Family (#13). I love hearing well-known bilingual family bloggers speak! Becky Morales from Kid World Citizen has a fascinating marriage and family story, plus she shares my passion for world cultures.
3. The Art of Simple by Tsh Oxenreider:
Listening to Tsh's podcasts is like having coffee with your best friend and a cool stranger. I'm not familiar with most of her guests, but they always talk about something I'd like to know more about. In short, her podcasts are conversational comfort food for the psyche.
My favorite episode: Wildly Unconventional (#60). Tsh interviews Stephanie Langford, who traveled to thirty countries with her family (including four young children) over the course of a year while homeschooling and running two businesses. Tsh herself is getting ready to travel the world with her young family this fall while continuing her blog, so she covers practical questions and gets fascinating answers.
In a future post, I'll feature some French language learning podcasts that I've found helpful. What are your favorite podcasts (on any topic)? What do you love hearing more about? Please tell me in a comment!