A New Heartbeat in Our Home (cue the fireworks!)
Bonjour, les amis! If you are American, happy Fourth of July! This has always been one of my favorite holidays. I am glad to be American, but what I enjoy most about this holiday is the chance to enjoy time outdoors with friends and family. When I was a child, my parents always organized a parade and games for the neighborhood, and the day always ended with a fireworks show put on by neighbors or the city. My parents still plan neighborhood events every Fourth of July, so my husband and I will take our children there to participate today before heading to a friend's home with an amazing view of a fireworks show in the Columbia Gorge.
Columbia River Gorge at Crown Point, Oregon by Don Graham
Fireworks at Vista House, Columbia Gorge, Oregon by Sam Churchill
In contrast to those big fireworks, the blog here at Intentional Mama has been quieter this summer as I've cut my posts back to twice per week. This might be the new normal here since I'll start homeschooling my daughter in the fall. (I may even take the month of August off from blogging--I'll let you know.) I wish I could write more often, but summer is family time for us and I need to take the opportunity to refresh my spirit.
And speaking of family time, I'm thrilled to announce that there's a new heartbeat in our home! I'm pregnant with our third child, due in January next year. In fact, this one is due on his or her brother's exact due date three years ago, so they'll have very close birthdays if all goes as expected. I'll share a few pregnancy updates over the next six months, and I'll appreciate your prayers for this little one's healthy development and arrival.
Still Life with Ace of Hearts by Georges Braque, 1914
What are you anticipating these days? Will you celebrate any big holidays or events this month? Have a joyful weekend!